Private Investigator from the album Retro Activ
Music Platform
Eleven new tracks – no covers this time, all my own work! Quite a varied bunch of songs this time around from heavy ‘Sabbath’ inspired riffing to chamber music, taking in some gospel, 50’s rock n’ roll, glam, punk and some acoustic whimsy along the way. A video for the single ‘She’s Too Tough (For The Boys)’, a song about Joan Jett - is up and running on YouTube. The album is available to stream/download from all the usual places and as always there are CD copies available to order directly from this website.
As usual I have been ably assisted on this release by Mr. Nick Harradence who has excelled himself with some fine drumming and percussion as always and none of this would have been possible without his invaluable help. Neil Seymour added some much needed organ to the gospel inspired ‘Brighter Day’ and my thanks to Mark Snashall for arranging/transforming ‘Molly’s Theme’ into a little slice of pop baroque! The wonderful space turtle featured on the front cover was brought to life in oils by Mr Steve Hammond.
Listen on Apple Music. Listen on Spotify.